Saturday, October 28, 2006

Rotten Appel?

According to the Ragister $269,866 has been spent in Senate District 37, that's the district I reside in.

The Dummycrat Staci Appel has outspent her Republican opponent Julian Garrett 12 to 1!

Yet on her web site claims to be fiscally responsible....

I would work to curb wasteful spending at the state government level and I would work to protect communities from tax increases....

She's wasting well over $250,000 on a political campaign for a seat that currently pays $21,000, No wonder she's now a homemaker and no longer a financial consultant!

This doesn't include money spent heavily by the Iowa Dummycrat Party on her behalf.

The Ragister also issued their endorsement of her today.

They admitted that the Republican Garrett is the more experienced of the two.

They also admitted with her husband, Brent, being appointed to the Iowa Supreme Court that she'll need to abstain from some votes in the legislature.

Supposedly it came down to her emphasis on education.

Checking each candidates web site I found these Education points...

Staci Appel:

I support making access to quality pre-school universally available to all Iowa children....regardless of income.

I support giving teachers the tools they need to succeed in the classroom including a fair wage.

I support adequate funding to maintain and enhance the quality of Iowa universities and to keep down the rising cost of tuition.

I support expanding scholarship opportunities for Iowa residents, increased investments, and special incentives to help control the cost of tuition.

Julian Garrett:

We must hold the line on spending and taxes to allow small business to prosper. The key to excellent schools.... is a growing economy

We do need to increase teacher's salaries, especially math and science teachers.

We must have accountability, rewarding teachers who do exceptional work.

Support for the classroom teachers, promoting better discipline is needed.

What I read is Ms. Appel wants to throw money at a purported problem and that means higher taxes!

The Ragister ends their editorial with the REAL reason they support Ms. Appel....

She also supports a woman's right to choose, while Garrett favors some restrictions on abortion. That might become a critical difference if the U.S. Supreme Court turns the abortion issue back to the states to decide.

I can't understand a woman who has given birth to four children who thinks it's o.k. to kill babies.


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