Thursday, November 01, 2007

Shock Therapy

"Don't tase me, bro" is talking to the Today show.

An e-mail interview was released, the kid needs help and the scientific community is united in that fact.

Andrew Meyer rambled on about the points he was trying to make...

"The first question I asked the Senator was about his concession of the 2004 election. Greg Palast, author of "Armed Madhouse," the book I was holding up at the forum, proved that John Kerry won the 2004 election. The ultimate point I was trying to make was to bring up was the heinous way millions of American votes were chucked in the garbage on Election Day. Not only is this a total assault on democracy, but the same tactics used to throw away votes in 2004 will be used again in 2008. Read about the Help America Vote Act and see for yourself. HAVA helps America vote in about the same way the PATRIOT Act patriotically dismantles the Bill of Rights. In other words, it’s completely Un-American."

"The second question I asked was why haven’t Kerry and the Democratic Congress made any moves to impeach Bush, considering he has led us into two wars of aggression in Iraq and Afghanistan, and wasn’t even legitimately elected (as Kerry knows since, as he told me, he has read "Armed Madhouse.") If Kerry is so concerned about the aggressive posturing the administration is taking towards Iran, why don’t he and the Democrats running Congress do something about it? They have the impeachment power. Millions of Americans believe they should use it."

"The third question I asked Kerry, which Tim Russert of NBC’s Meet the Press also asked Kerry (and Bush), is was he a member of Skull and Bones in college. Some people treat this question as a joke, but Kerry and Bush never denied the assertion. Perhaps their involvement in the same secret society (once known as the Brotherhood of Death) has something to do with the answers to my first two questions."

The only lucid comment he made was...

"You would have to be a fool to intentionally get arrested..."

Stunningly the jolt of juice he received may have seared some sense into him because he has apologized...

"I made the decision to supersede the rules, and for that I apologize. I should have acted calmer and obeyed the directives of the officers. If I had, none of the subsequent issues would ever have arisen."


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