Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Say Say Say

Christopher Hitchens has uncovered more info on Barry's catch phrases...

Cliché, not plagiarism, is the problem with today's pallid political discourse.

"Take 'Yes, We Can,' for example. It's the sort of thing parents might chant encouragingly to a child slow on the potty-training uptake.

As for 'We Are the People We Have Been Waiting For' (in which case, one can only suppose that now that we have arrived, we can all go home), I didn't think much of it when Rep. Dennis Kucinich used it at an anti-war rally in 2004 ('We Are the People We Are Waiting For' being his version)..."

"Pretty soon, we should be able to get electoral politics down to a basic newspeak that contains perhaps 10 keywords: Dream, Fear, Hope, New, People, We, Change, America, Future, Together..."

America's getting dumber and proud of it and the scientific community is united in that fact.

Don't drink the Flavor Aid!


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