Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Elections DO Matter

I'll be surprised if something doesn't break from Al Gore jumping on the SNOB-ama bandwagon.

Gore needs to worry less about being carbon neutral and focus more on being CARB neutral.

And the scientific community is united in that fat. err, I mean fact.

In his endorsement of Barry O, Gore took a shot at the President...

"Even our dogs and cats have learned that elections matter."

I'm surprised Gore would bring up his dog Shiloh.

In his 2000 campaign, Gore said his mother-in-law was paying three times as much for the arthritis drug Lodine as his dog.

It was one of many exaggerations that the Bush campaign used effectively against Gore, inventor of the internet.

I guess Gore's point was about the poisoned dog and cat food made in China.

This criticism coming from the man who was part of an administration that found "no controlling legal authority" in any of its dealings with China.

It's enough to make one go nuclear.


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