Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Hosers, EH!

The Canucks are getting ready to honor America draft dodgers of the VietNam war. The statue, left, is of a Canadian welcoming two Americans. There is also plans for a four day reunion with Fiberal Democrats George McGovern and Tom Hayden speaking. About 100,000 Americans went to Canada to avoid the Vietnam War, with about half eventually returning to the U.S. to take advantage of an amnesty provided by President Jimmy Carter. I remember I was in high school when talk first surfaced of pardoning the draft dodgers. Two of my teachers, Mr. Fitzgerald and Mr. Lazear, expressed their feelings about that. They thought the U.S. government should station troops on the Canadian border before announcing the pardon. Then when the draft dodgers crossed the border they should be shot. Shot, however, so they would fall back across the border and Canada would have to bury them! I like and respect both men.


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