Incestuous Dummycrats

This whole Central Iowa Employment & Training Consortium debacle just gets seedier & seedier. As I mentioned earlier, CIETC April 16 post, Ramona Cunningham has been called Iowa's highest paid hooker. She was involved with Board Chairman & Des Moines City Councilman Archie Brooks, who had two relatives on the payroll. CommieTommie Harkin said he'd never met her(yet he's shown posing with her for a picture), had their learning center named after him and more importantly earmarked over $2 million dollars for CIETC. That was above what the U.S. Department of Labor had budgeted. Polk County Supervisor & CIETC Board Member John Mauro had a relative on the CIETC payroll. Cunningham's daughter was on the CIETC payroll. Dan Albritton, CIETC Board Member & President of South Central Federation of Labor, bought a boat with Cunningham and he's also received CIETC money for consulting work. Then of course there's the interaction between Iowa Work Force Development and CIETC. IWD Deputy Director Jane Barto and Cunningham are alleged friends and Barto did make several attempts to quash local & federal investigations into CIETC. Former IWD Director Cynthia Eisenhauer is currently Governor Tom Vilsack's(The pickle?) Chief of Staff and she was contacted several times about CIETC problems prior to the media's awareness. Eisenhauer's interim replacement at IWD was Deb Dessert, who is married to one of the former CIETC executives, John Bargman, and received CIETC money for consulting work. Dessert currently works for the Iowa State Auditor's office. WHEW!! I'm sure that's only a small portion of the iceberg. Speaking of icebergs, What is the difference between CIETC and the Titanic? The Titanic had a dance band! I knew something was about to break again because The Pickle was interviewed by WHO/TV13's John Bachman, for a Sunday morning program. WHO/TV13 aired a snippet last night and the Pickle (pictured as Winnie the Pooh) is trying to shift blame to the Republican Auditor's office and Dessert. I don't think that will work too well because the Pickle's office received a report, asked for by the Pickle, from the Iowa Department of Administrative Services. That report was received a few weeks ago, but is being kept secret by the Pickle's office, primarily his Chief of Staff Cynthia Eisenhauer. It's no mere coincidence that the Dummycrats in the Legislature are complaining about the time & money the Legislative oversight committee has been spending on this. Now the Pickle is trying to shift the blame and keep reports secret. After all the Pickle wants to be President.
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