Thursday, June 08, 2006

She Cuts like a Knife

I don't always agree with Ann Coulter, though there are times when her acerbic wit can ring true.

Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton complained about Coulter's attacks on the Jersey Girls, a group of 9/11 widows who blamed President Bush for the attacks that killed their husbands and who campaigned for John Kerry in 2004.

attacked Coulter for being "vicious [and] mean-spirited" towards a group of politically active 9/11 widows.

Coulter fired back, "I think if she's worried about people being mean to women she should have a talk with her husband."
Coulter went on to tell Sean Hannity, "She may know the 9/11 widows, but you and I know Juanita Broaddrick" - a reference to a rape accuser of former President Clinton. Game, Set, Match...Coulter!


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