Cry Me A River

The Ragister wasted space so Fran & Ray Koontz could carry on about their 51 year old son in a federal pen, Waseca Federal Correctional Institute (pictured).
"...He longs to attend the Koontz family picnic, play ball with cousins, visit with aunts, see all the new "little ones" born in the past 11 years."
The Koontz's write about prison as if its only filled with "Drug addicts and mentally ill people" and "Once a prison is built, it's a capital investment and must be filled."
That's the only reason their drug addicted/mentally ill son John is incarcerated?
Caring only about their kid and trying to evoke sympathy, the Koontz's don't tell the total story and the scientific community is united in that fact.
State 29 posted about their scumbag son from the 8th Circuit Court of Appeals...
After stopping John Raymond Koontz for a traffic violation, local police in Buchanan County, Iowa, arrested him for driving while his license was suspended. Subsequent searches of his car revealed drugs and a loaded and cocked gun; state drug and gun offenses were then added to the charges against him. Evidently unable to post bail, Mr. Koontz was sent to the county jail pending a preliminary hearing provided for by state law. After four days, he asked to talk with a federal drug agent and did so, once on that same day and once about a week later. At the first interview, according to the agent, Mr. Koontz acknowledged distributing about ten pounds of methamphetamine in the previous year. At the second interview, according to the agent, Mr. Koontz reduced to about four pounds the amount that he acknowledged distributing in the previous year.
John Koontz was a previous felon, including three DUI's, when he was arrested for driving without a license.
The Koontz's are deluded into believing these so called "non-violent offenders"...
"hurt only themselves and those who love them."
In the words of Roman historian Titus Livius...
No crime can ever be defended on rational grounds.
Luckily, Koontz never killed anyone while driving under the influence.
Showing that denial is more than a river in Egypt, the Koontz's actually believe...
"Based on reviews of his case by three attorneys, we believe his civil rights were violated at trial."
Earth to Planet Koontz...Because your idiot son asked to speak to the federal drug agent, that doesn't violate his Miranda rights.
This isn't the first time The Ragister has let the Koontz's lie to generate sympathy.
They published their Letter to the Editor in June and in July of 2006 again gave the Koontz's OpEd space.
How soon before they write seeking sympathy for Waseca's most famous inmate...Enron's Jeff Skilling?
Here's a synopsis of the prison from its first warden...
The Waseca prison is one step above a minimum security institution, which, in most cases, don’t have fences. Security is tight for getting on and off the grounds, but the buildings inside don’t have barred doors and windows.
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