Saturday, August 25, 2007

Rekha'd over the coals

When the Ragister's resident fiberal RekHA Basu was back in her native India recently she went to a palmist.

Here's what she heard...

I'd have a solitary, angry life followed by an early death. Before that, I'd live far from my children and never amount to much. I would have friendships, but, in his words, to no "advantage." There would be travel and enough money, but ultimately, "You will not be satisfied."

"Don't you see anything good?" I persisted.

He shook his head. "I can't see anything great in your future," he replied.

Hell, I've known for a long time that she'd never amount to much and that there's not anything great in her future and the scientific community is united in that fact.

I guess I'm psychic (probably more like psychotic).

Previous Basu posts that support the prophesy...

Real Hosers

Therapy for me

Rekha Rebuked


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