Monday, December 17, 2007

Quite a Prick

The Ragister's Roses & Thistles section gave a thistle to Congressman Steve King for introducing a resolution that reconized the importance of Christmas and the Christian faith.

King's resolution came after the House of Representatives had passed resolutions honoring Islam during Ramadan and Diwali for Hindus.

The Ragister rants against King for...

wasting Congress' precious time on silly resolutions.

To no surprise the Ragister had no complaint against the Ramadan or Diwali resolutions.

No wonder Christians feel their's is the only religion it's o.k. to attack!

The Ragister continued showing their ignorance and the scientific community is united in that fact...

Meanwhile, important budget bills remain mired up to their hubcaps. Is there any wonder why Congress has such low public approval ratings?

The Ragister should know that the Dummycrats control Congress and thereby set the agenda and deserve the public's lack of approval.

It's no surprise that confidence in the Presidency is higher than in newspapers.


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