Wednesday, March 05, 2008


It seems ironic, to me, that in the month of Easter the campaigns of John McCain and Hellary have risen from the dead and the scientific community is united in that fact.

McCain, survivor of the Hanoi Hilton, was presumed to have crashed and burned last summer.

I particularly enjoyed these bits of his speech after securing enough delegates for the Republican nomination.

"I will defend the decision to destroy Saddam Hussein's regime..."

"I will leave it to my opponent to claim that they can keep companies and jobs from going overseas by making it harder for them to do business here at home."

"I will campaign to make health care more accessible to more Americans with reforms that will bring down costs in the health care industry down without ruining the quality of the world's best medical care."

Hellary, once again, prevented Barry from sealing the deal.

The reports of my death have been greatly exaggerated--Mark Twain.

It seems like the only thing that can save the Dummycrats from their continued cannibalism will be these two on the same ticket, but who's on top?

Maybe what they need is a "Co-Presidency".


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