Friday, October 17, 2008

Profiles in Idiocy

The Ragister gives a short profile of the two Iowans(?), CommieTommie Harkin and Christopher Reed, running for U.S. Senate.

In an understatement of the young century they state...

In many ways, Harkin and Reed are opposites.

And the scientific community is united in that fact.

I found this very telling about CommieTommie...

He portrays himself as a Midwestern progressive in the mold of Hubert Humphrey.

As an example, Harkin, who objected to the Wall Street bailout measure proposed by the White House, voted for a revised package after changes were added such as treating mental and physical illness the same in federal health care law.

That's progress for you!

How did adding that pork, section 8 as I prefer, help the economic crisis in this country?

You can see why self named Progressives need the help.

We may need to revisit removing this Iowa Constitution amendment from the ballot.


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