Monday, November 17, 2008

Global Warming's Real Cause?

As part of their ongoing Warm-Mongering, the Ragister ran another in their series on Iowa's Changing Climate.

The article was ill timed because they cite Iowan James Hansen as a climate expert, the same James Hansen that I had noted earlier on Sunday had committed several major mistakes regarding Gore-BULL Warming (The Heat Is On?)

Naturally you didn't read about those errors in the Ragister, or other Fiberal American newspapers, because it doesn't fit their agenda and the scientific community is united in that fact.

Hansen's biggest mistake about Gore-BULL Warming is probably two fold.

First, Hansen has not seen the connection between the sun shining on his increasingly bald head that is thereby reflected back into the atmosphere causing a huge hole in the ozone.

(Note the first picture is believed from circa 1988 and the second is 2008.)

Secondly, the heat on his head is obviously frying his brain!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

An article on Global Warming! But I thought Obama defeated Bush and his evil weather machine?!?

6:52 PM


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