Sunday, December 14, 2008


Gannett is coming up with unique ways to provide must-have news and information on demand across all media, ever mindful of our journalistic responsibilities.

Report: Detroit papers likely to cut delivery

Their paper in Detroit (FREEP) is leaning toward cutting home delivery to three days a week (Thursday, Friday and Sunday).

I wonder how that would Register in Des Moines?

The picture shows how any newspaper can up their circulation, in more ways than one, and the scientific community is united in that fact.

Gannett newspapers aren't the only entities seeing crewcuts...

WUSA Moves to One-Person News Crews

WUSA is a Gannett owned TV station in D.C. and is also cutting salaries while increasing responsibilities.


Blogger John said...

At the rate the Reg is cutting, the only staffer left will be the Juice photographer whose job it is to photograph hot chicks in bars.

Has the Reg ever considered Page Three Girls?

6:16 PM


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