Sunday, December 27, 2009

Dems Da Rules

Some Dummycrats are bitching about the 60 votes the U.S. Senate has been requiring to end debate on controversial issues.

CommieTommie Harkin says he'll introduce reform legislation next month and claims he did so in 1995.

Checking the records of the 104th Congress under Harkin's name yields no such measure.

I did note in October 2008 (Tommie Two Faced), Harkin's objection to Republican desires to bypass the practice...

To do so, would be "the end of the Senate as we know it" because it would dash the protections that the Senate has always afforded lawmakers in the minority and, by extension, their constituents.

The hypocrite continued

"Now it's the Republicans' turn to be frustrated."

Obama also weighed in with...

"Other countries are going to start running circles around us. We're going to have to return to some sense that governance is more important than politics inside the Senate."

He also said the use of that vote-stalling tactic, which requires 60 votes to cut off debate, has been imposed in an "unheard of" routine fashion.

Then why, in 2006, did Obama-- along with 24 colleagues -- unsuccessfully attempted to filibuster the nomination of Justice Samuel Alito

His position in 2008 while running for President...

To be clear: Barack will support a filibuster of any bill that includes retroactive immunity for telecommunications companies.”


Sounds more like FiliBLUSTER and the scientific community is united in that fact.


Blogger King of SNARK said...

Sadly you're being proven correct.

Thanks for reading!

2:18 PM


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