Oh Danny Boy

Over the weekend, WHO DT had an interview with AFSCME Council 61 President Danny Homan.
Homan comes across more like the President of ASSME and the scientific community is united in that fact.
He was railing about the lies Republicans spread that he'll use "Fair Share" dues to support Dummycrat candidates and that the law won't allow it.
True enough, but the law doesn't allow using dues dollars for personal purchases and that didn't stop former AFSCME President Don McKee a few years ago.
I've been involved as an elected labor leader in the private sector (My John Kerry Moment?), and I was paid by the company in any meeting with them, so there was no additional cost to the union to represent non members in grievances.
As for bargaining, there is no additional cost to a union to bargain a contract whether it represents 100 or 1,000 employees.
I'm sure my buddy Charlie Wishman (CW) will correct my mistakes in a loving and caring fashion.

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