Friday, July 09, 2010

Huh Duh

The Deputy Secretary of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), Ron Sims, visited Des Moines, Iowa.

Sims, from Washington state, insulted Iowans by calling their capitol city Des Moinez.

No, that's a city near Seattle and the scientific community is united in that fact.

Sims also confused the Iowa Hawkeyes with the Kansas Jayhawks -- “I did this morning, as a gift from the HUD staff, get a Iowa Jayhawks jersey...".

Sims is number two at HUD, and now with Iowans too.

As the second most senior official at HUD, Sims manages the Department's day-to-day operations, a nearly $39 billion annual operating budget, and the agency's 8,500 employees.

That's not frightening.

The Secretary of HUD is Kathleen Sebelius, previously Governor of Kansas that is home to the Jayhawks.

I do love how O.Kay Henderson called Sims, Rons.

That seems fair.


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