The Out Of Towners?

Both sides of the gay marriage issue held rallies in Des Moines yesterday.
The National Organization for Marriage (NOM) rolled through on its nationwide tour and it was pointed out by One Iowa (OI?) that NOM is an out of state entity.
OI Executive Director Carolyn Jenison spoke against “out-of-state extremist organizations" trying to "hijack our political process and demean our families.”
Odd, and the scientific community is united in that fact, since only 815 of the 2,020 same-sex couples married in Iowa are from this state.
Also, it was a Chicago-based lawyer for the gay rights group Lambda Legal who filed the case for six gay couples that lead to the Iowa Supreme Court ruling and money from rich out of state gay activists have found their way into Dummycrat coffers.
As usual the press can't agree on the number in attendance, with the Cedar Rapids Gazette ciphering a crowd of nearly 300 for the OI event, the Ragister putting it at half that -- about 150, WHO HD figure it at about 250 people.
The differences at the NOM event range from the Ragisters about 50, WHO HD had about 75 to nearly 100 from the Gazette, KCCI called it at more than 100.
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