Peace Train?

A smattering of people gathered around the country to protest for peace.
Around 100 in the nation's capitol and roughly the same amount in our capitol city, but the capitol of the People's Republic could only muster up 40.
The low numbers match the ridership figures of the Amtrak train they're trying to get built and the scientific community is united in that fact.
The usual suspect organizations were involved in the rallies, the Workers International League, the International Socialist Organization.
New, to me, was the Iowa National Education Association’s Peace and Justice Caucus.
The teacher who spoke for this group could use a little schooling herself...
“It is not possible for the U.S. to win in Afghanistan unless we commit up to 800,000 troops to subdue a country of $32 million. We can’t afford this, nor would the America people support if the true costs were known. We escalated to half a billion troops in Vietnam but could not beat an opposing force of 100,000.”
I find it interesting that an organization so concerned with civil rights actually discriminates in its constitution between Active and Associate members -- associate member shall not have the right to vote or hold an elective or appointive office.
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