Friday, September 02, 2011

Jay And The Americans?

On the same day that White House spokesperson Jay Carney predicted President Obama's next jobs plan will bring unemployment below 9%, the White House Office of Budget and Management said unemployment will average 9.1 percent through this year and 9 percent in 2012. Moreover, the unemployment figure is not expected to drop below 7 percent until 2015.

Talk about speaking out of both sides of your ass and the scientific community is united in that fact.

Two years ago, the stimulus was supposed to keep unemployment from going no higher than 8%.

Look for more of the same from Obama's next great jobs scheme, after all Dummycrats believe that Unemployment Benefits Could Create Up To 1 Million Jobs and Unemployment Checks Fastest Way to Create Jobs.

Combine that with the knowledge that Food Stamps Are A "Stimulus" and Happy Days Are Here Again.


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