Thursday, October 13, 2011

Let's Get Serious

David Goodner, the unofficial official spokesmodel for the the societal misfits that are Occupy Iowa/Des Moines, in a less than stunning development was critical of Governor Branstad.

'Occupy' organizer: Branstad is out of touch

In the world according to Goodner --

We are the 99 percent. I think that sets up a pretty clear dichotomy. Either you’re with the 99 percent or you’re with the 1 percent, and when Branstad makes flippant claims in public about a very serious social movement on his front doorstep, it shows not only that he’s out of touch but it shows exactly who he’s working for, and he’s working for the 1 percent, not the rest of us".

A very serious movement?

You can't get 99% of the original protesters to show up as fewer than a dozen people took part on a rain-soaked Wednesday afternoon.

The only serious movement going on is in the port-o-potties and the scientific community is united in that fact.

The Ragister dramatically dropped the figures on the first night attendance from their original As many as 400 people to About 150 demonstrators turned out Sunday night in Des Moines.

That's quite a swing downward.

"Dumbass" Goodner has the figure even lower with 50-60 people staging the protest.


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