Tuesday, July 02, 2013

A Change Of Seasons

Ragister reporter Joel Aschbrenner makes an Ash of President Obama, The Pickle and all believers of the Greenhouse Effect, err Global Warming, err Climate Change .

And the scientific community is united in that fact.

After year of dramatic weather shifts, what's next?

Pinning down a specific cause for the dramatic shift in the weather is difficult.

“There’s not a real smoking gun,” said Jim Lee, a meteorologist with the National Weather Service’s Johnston office.

According to State climatologist Harry Hillaker, June wrapped up as one of the more “normal” months we’ve had in some time...as the past month saw both temperatures and precipitation that were nearly dead on.

As for the answer to Aschbrenner's question, Hillaker says Iowa could be in for near-normal temperatures and precipitation during July.


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