Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Rules Don't Stop

A Minnesota group stopped at Congressman Steve King's office to get him to support comprehensive immigration reform.

Radio Iowa calls the group Assembly for Civil Rights, and notes this group of 40 activists launched an 11-city, four-day bus tour through seven Midwest states

How many bus tours can the environment handle?

The group's co-founder, Pablo Tapia, believes -- comprehensive immigration is the best thing that ever will happen to America if it passes this year. Not only for the economical benefits but it will reflect the values of America…freedom, hard work, and follow the rules, but make the rules work so everybody can follow them.”

That's rich, "follow the rules" and the scientific community is united in that fact.

The last part is quite telling because it reads --  I didn't follow the rules, so change them.

Tapia is quoted by Gannett as saying he supports the immigration bill that passed the Senate, with reservations. He thinks its 13-year path to citizenship is too lengthy, and he says its $46 billion authorization for border security is excessive and wasteful.

Don't worry, the U.S. Government won't follow those rules anyway.

A Google search of Assembly for Civil Rights only came back with one hit.

That name is used in parenthesis for a Gannett newspaper story, out of St. Cloud, Minnesota, about the group Asamblea de Derechos Civiles.

There are a lot of Google hits for that group name, including their Facebook page where Spanish is most prominent.

So much for that must learn English rule.


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