Friday, May 26, 2006

Culver Commercial

Chet Culver, Dummycrat for Governor, is running a campaign commercial where he's sitting at a table in a cafe having what looks to be a serious discussion with average Iowans. Look closely at who's nodding in agreement, like a bobblehead, at the table. It's none other than Chet's daddy, former one term U.S. Senator, John! It's kind of sad, and hokey, when you can't find someone outside of your family who'll sit at a table and listen to your ideas. He also holds up his "plan" for Iowa at the end of the commercial and both my wife and I get this Al Gore "lockbox" feel from it. I see Mike Blouin, Dummycrat for Governor, is running ads that come close to calling Culver a liar for not admitting he was a lobbyist for IBP. It's the second time they've caught him less than factual. Just say it, Chet is STUPID and he's FAT too!


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