Friday, June 02, 2006

Sometimes people can't be saved from themselves

"The expression often used by Mr. Herbert Spencer of the Survival of the Fittest is more accurate, and is sometimes equally convenient"...Charles Darwin, 1809-1882, British Naturalist known for his theories on evolution.

The news media has noted a string of six motorcycle crash fatalities this spring. Yesterdays crash happened atop Saylorville Dam and killed two. This particular area was the scene of two fatal motorcycle crashes in 2004 that killed three. After the 2004 crashes the Iowa Department of Transportation and the Army Corp of Engineers agreed to add a pair of 25-mph speed limit signs on both the east and the west sides of the dam and another that warns of an "S" curve. The father of one of those killed yesterday believes more needs to be done. The Chief Park Ranger said, "It is very unfortunate....when they are going 80 mph there's really not much you can do." A Polk County Sheriff's Deputy noted four witnesses told authorities they watched the motorcycle as it raced across the dam. "They thought the bike was doing 100 miles per hour." None of the motorcycle riders involved in crashes this spring have worn helmets. I do sympathize with their loss, but one victims father can keep perspective. He doesn't blame conditions for his son's death. "It's real simple. It has nothing to do with the dam," he said. "It has everything to do with helmets and speed."


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