Wednesday, July 12, 2006

My 2 Cents, for what it's worth

A mere 24 hours after calling for the retirement of the U.S. one cent coin, "Penny makes no cents", the Ragister has an article about how much a penny increase in the sales tax would benefit Dallas, Polk and Warren Counties.

I'm no economist, becoming class clown in high school Econ to try and dumb down my peers, but it seems you can't raise anything(prices or taxes) a penny without the actual coin. You would have to round up to 5, 10, 15, 20, 25. etc.

That may not be an altogether bad thing. Maybe the morons who vote to raise their taxes a penny would squawk at a nickel or higher.

"People for Project Destiny" is the name of the group supporting the penny tax increase. They paid for a study that showed elected leaders in the three counties how many millions they could expect to receive. Naturally, the politicians are already spending the money before the tax increase has been placed on November's ballot.


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