What a revolting development this should be

The Dummycrats that run the Polk County Board of Supervisors have cost the taxpayers an extra $382,600!
All because they couldn't wait one day to take their own pay increase!
Facing budget problems in March 2003, Supervisors asked union workers to give up two promised raises and agreed they would reinstate the raises if county leaders received one. These geniuses reaffirmed their agreement, in writing, in February 2004.
However on June 30, 2005, the last day of the 2004-2005 budget year, The Dummycrat Supervisors reneged on the agreement and voted themselves and their Dummycrat cronies a 5.5% pay increase. They also voted themselves a 2.5 to 3% raise effective the next day, July 1, 2005!
Naturally the union protested and an arbritrator sided with the union, requiring the county to shell out the $382,600 in back pay.
"Had the county waited one additional day ... to provide the 5.5 percent wage increase, the union would have been powerless to protest,"the mediator wrote.
Dummycrat Supervisor, and former union rep, Tom Hockensmith (pictured right) displayed his lack of intelligence when he said this about the ruling....
"Frankly, I believed we had done everything we said we were going to do. I was shocked when I read the ruling".
This total disregard of their fiduciary responsibility is compounded by the recent spotlighting of their lack of oversight in how they dole out grants.
Any organization that wants a grant or a loan is not required to explain why the cash was needed, account for how it was spent or provide a financial statement to the county.
Here's a look at the County Mission and Core Values...
Our Mission:
Polk County exists to serve the public. We are committed to service excellence, fiscal responsibility and enhancing the quality of life. We will be the most effective, productive, and responsive local government in Iowa.
We are committed to eight core values:
.......8) All policies and decisions regarding Polk County government programs, services and processes will be consistent with our mission.
I guess the Dummycrats would say...Depends on the meaning "fiscal responsibility" and "consistent".
It should come as no surprise that Dummycrat John Mauro(pictured left) is a Supervisor and served on the board of CIETC! Both Mauro and Hockensmith voted to give CIETC $750,000 between 2003 and 2005. Mauro has admitted that he "wasn't paying attention" to that agencies finances.
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