Shooting your mouth off

...And inflicting wounds on yourself won't get you another Purple Heart Senator!
John Kerry in a Washington Examiner aticle titled, Meet the Next President: Kerry's Second Shot....
“I think I’d be a good president,” he adds, sitting on the wraparound porch of an old house in Keene. “I don’t care what the dominant, conventional wisdom is today; it will not be the dominant, conventional wisdom in a year.”
“We are making a mistake if we put up candidates that are only competitive in 16 states, and then we roll the dice and hope we win Ohio or Florida,” says former Virginia Gov. Mark Warner, another Democrat eyeing the White House.
“I would say the same thing,” he says. “If I were lucky enough to do it again, I’m going to make sure we’re campaigning in way more states.”
Kerry says the only reason he didn’t compete in more states in 2004 was that he ran out of money. He says this was also the reason he did not adequately respond to a series of devastating TV ads by Swift Boat Veterans for the Truth, a group that questioned Kerry’s service in Vietnam and criticized his later opposition to the war.
“They had money behind the lies, and we did not have sufficient money behind the truth,” Kerry laments.
That's funny Senator Kerry it was known after the 2004 election your campaign had a SURPLUS!
The New York Times reported you had more than $14 Million in one account and I've seen reports that there was as much as $44 Million!!
As for the "SWIFTIES"