They cut down trees for this?

From Cindy Sheehan's book 'Peace Mom'....
*Admits she has fantasized about going back in time and killing the infant George W. Bush, thereby preventing the Iraq War.
*John McCain, whom Sheehan calls a liar for denying that he once responded to her question about why her son had to die by saying, "Well, Cindy, I am afraid it's going to be for nothing, like my buddies in Vietnam." McCain has denied that on another occasion he told her, "You keep doing what you are doing. America needs to hear your voice."
* Anderson Cooper, whom Sheehan derides for doing a "hatchet job on me and investigating me with a vengeance. He dredged up everything I ever did or said." She says her sister had to be restrained from beating up Cooper at the end of their interview.
*John Kerry, whom Sheehan regrets voting for in 2004, saying that she was "unimpressed."
*Hillary Clinton, whom she considers "a conservative in liberal clothing... We don't need another powermonger in the White House."
Sheehan also reveals, her son's death almost drove her to take her own life: "Every night I had to restrain myself from taking my entire bottle of sleeping pills instead of just one."
You're not trying Cindy!
Here's an excerpt from a interview she gave the Waco Tribune-Herald...
Q: Why would you associate with someone like President Chavez?
A: "...The reason President Chavez is the way he is is because the CIA orchestrated a coup against him..."
How ironic to have a WHACKO in the Waco paper? (Crawford is pictured with Che jr).
I'm confused, I thought she'd be much less hysterical after her hysterectomy!
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