So we gotta say goodbye to the Summer

After one of the warmest winters on record, this coming winter will be much colder than normal from coast to coast according to the Farmers' Almanac.
Caleb Weatherbee, the almanac's reclusive forecaster, predicts it will be frigid from the Gulf Coast all the way up the East Coast.
It'll be especially nippy on the northern Plains -- up to 20 degrees below seasonal norms in much of Montana, the Dakotas and part of Wyoming.
He says, it'll be especially snowy across the nation's midsection, much of the Pacific Northwest, the mountains of the Southwest and parts of eastern New England.
The almanac says its forecasts are accurate 80 to 85% of the time.
I'm rooting for that 15 to 20%, but I know we're overdue.
Last winter was the fifth-warmest on average in the lower 48 states.
I told my friend Cal, I'll believe in Global Warming when we have a string of 90 to 100 degree days in January or February.
I'll be ECSTATIC, but I'll believe!
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