Friday, November 03, 2006

Just say NO!

This is your BRAIN!

This is your BRAIN ON DRUGS!!!

Here's what's at stake Tuesday.

We already know how the feel about the military with John Kerry's remarks this week, but he did the same last year too when he implied they were terrorizing Iraqi women and children. He began attacking the military when he got home from Viet Nam, calling them murderers and rapists, a pattern that continued through his first unsuccessful run for Congress.

Dick Durbin (D-IL) likened our troops to Nazi's, the Soviet Gulag and Cambodian genecidal maniac Pol Pot.

Here's what the Dummycrats will do to the economy....

The Democratic Party's "New Direction for America" leads to $79.1 billion in new annual federal spending, according to a line-by-line analysis by a non-partisan taxpayers' group.

"Americans should take note that proposals containing many political promises are likely to contain many tax dollars as well," said Demian Brady, senior policy analyst for the National Taxpayers Union Foundation (NTUF), the research affiliate of the 350,000-member National Taxpayers Union, a non-profit citizen group founded in 1969.

Brady tracked the fiscal impact of proposed legislation listed in "The New Direction for America Book," a 31-page document posted at the website of House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi.

Under Dummycrat control Representative Charlie Rangel (NY) would be in charge of writing the nation's tax legislation. He would determine what rates you and business will pay.

Rangel recently said that if the Democrats win, 'Everything is on the table.' In fact, when he was asked if he would consider across-the-board income tax increases on everyone, including the middle class, he said 'No question about it.'

House Speaker Dennis Hastert cited a Treasury Department analysis, that the Democrats would reduce economic growth by about $93 billion a year.

Friends don't let Friends make an ASS of themselves and vote DUMMYCRAT!!


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