Clinton comes out swinging

Hillary Rodham Clinton's camp is digging up dirt on "Bambi" Obama.
They question whether America is ready for a President who...was educated in a Madrassa as a young boy and has not been forthcoming about his Muslim heritage.
An investigation of Mr. Obama by political opponents within the Democratic Party has discovered that Mr. Obama was raised as a Muslim by his stepfather in Indonesia. Sources close to the background check, which has not yet been released, said Mr. Obama, 45, spent at least four years in a so-called Madrassa, or Muslim seminary, in Indonesia.
....Sources said the background check, conducted by researchers connected to Senator Clinton, disclosed details of Mr. Obama's Muslim past. The sources said the Clinton camp concluded the Illinois Democrat concealed his prior Muslim faith and education.
"The background investigation will provide major ammunition to his opponents," the source said. "The idea is to show Obama as deceptive."
Interestingly enough I received an e-mail yesterday, from my friend Cal, that went deeper than the Dummycrats do.
Lolo Soetoro who educated his stepson as a good Muslim by enrolling him in one of Jakarta's Wahabbi schools.
Wahabbism is the radical teaching that created the Muslim terrorists who are now waging Jihad on the industrialized world.
Since it is politically expedient to be a Christian when you are seeking political office in the United States, Obama joined the United Church of Christ to help purge any notion that he is still a Muslim.
Hillary and the Dummycrats have their claws out and are eating their young!
It's something they're good at, they've had 34 years of practice after all.
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