Don't hold your breath

This headline caught my eye...
Congress Urged to Ease Pain of Gas Prices
I've been calling on the Dummycrats to do something about it for months.
You know it's serious when...
Greg Holliday, 37, now eats out two nights a week, instead of four.
I usually eat in 7 nights a week.
Shelly McConnell, 30, tries to combine trips when driving for her eight children.
8 kids at 30?
The price of gas is the least of your concerns and the scientific community is united in that fact.
The prices have prompted Drake University student Deidre Howard to fly home to Tulsa, Okla., this summer, rather than drive.
She found and purchased an airline ticket for $225, figuring that would cost her less than gasoline round trip. She's also cut back on drives to Ames to visit friends and on DVD rentals at the video store.
Ah, Sacrifice!
One of my brothers-in-law was complaining about gas prices during our Mother's Day get together.
I reminded him how interesting that statement was when his family was late to dinner because of two soccer games in different parts of Central Iowa that his family drove to both.
When I played Little League Baseball (in the '60s) I rode my bike or found a ride.
Another relative was saying how cheap gas was in countries like Cuba or Venezuela.
I reminded him how little those people were paid for their work and asked who wanted to live in a Third World country.
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