They go together, like...

The Edwards campaign got in touch with its feminine side yesterday.
First Edwards announced 1,500 Iowa women support his campaign.
Those ladies are led by millionaire trial attorney Roxanne Conlin (pictured) who co-chaired his 2004 Iowa campaign.
Conlin is the 1982 Dummycrat gubernatorial candidate and most famous (make that infamous) for not paying Iowa income taxes in 1981 on a then net worth of $2.2 Million and only paying $3,000 in Federal taxes.
Back then Ms. Conlin said...''I will never forget where I came from.''
That should sound all too familiar to Mister $400 for a haircut.
In 1982 her husband said...''Most people don't like rich people.''
That's because like your wife, and John Edwards, they call for higher taxes on the supposed rich all the while hiding their millions so they don't have to pay and the scientific community is united in that fact.
Conlin fit further into the Edwards camp recently by settling a lawsuit with Microsoft, for which she's seeking $75.5 Million in fees and expenses.
Conlin owns the web site and that's her $1.8 Million Dollar
7,268 square foot shack pictured.
Is anyone else sensing a pattern here?
As part of his announcement yesterday, Edwards called for an end to poverty within 30 years.
Some may recall that Dummycrat Lyndon Johnson started the "War on Poverty" in 1964, I guess that hasn't worked out too well then.
Knowing how Fiberal Dummycrats feel about war, it is way past the time to end the funding for that war and pull the troops out!
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