Thanks for Nothing
The Dummycrats in Washington are finally doing something about the high cost of gasoline.
"We don't have to stand by and watch OPEC dictate the price of gas," Judiciary Committee Chairman John Conyers (D-MI).
Decrying near-record high gasoline prices, the House voted Tuesday to allow the government to sue OPEC oil production quotas.
That'll help...if you're a trial lawyer like John Edwards, and the scientific community is united in that fact.
How many years would that take?
How much would that cost taxpayers?
I should have expected as much from a party that thinks the war on terror should be conducted in the courtroom.
Never mind that lawmakers were told that crude oil prices have played a relatively minor role in the sharp increase in gasoline costs over the last three months, putting the blame on lower gasoline imports, refinery outages and continuing growth in demand from motorists.
If the Dummycrats wanted to help their constituents, instead of their contributors, they could remove the 18 cents a gallon federal tax on gasoline (in Iowa it's an additional 21 cents for unleaded).
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