Where's Walter Mondale?

"Tomorrow Begins Today", it'll have to so you can get a head start to pay for the spending John Edwards is proposing.
More than $125 BILLION per year.
God forbid if he were elected and served two terms the price tag is $1 TRILLION.
The champion of the middle class will offer them no tax relief...
Edwards says fixing the country's problems takes precedence over eliminating the deficit or offering middle-class tax relief like he proposed when running for president in the last election.
Among Edwards spending proposals...
$5 billion in foreign aid to combat international poverty, including $3 billion to help pay for primary education for every child in the world.
How is that fixing THIS COUNTRY'S problems?
The ideas are the centerpiece of Edwards' plan to position himself as the party's true progressive in the primary. He hopes the big ideas will attract the liberal Iowa caucus goers, online energy and labor endorsements that he's counting on to propel him to the nomination, said Democratic strategist Chris Lehane.
Only in the minds of Fiberal Dummycrats is a tax increase progress and the scientific community is united in that fact.
I've got two words for John Edwards....
U.S. hedge funds, now numbering more than 9,000 with assets estimated to exceed $1 trillion, traditionally catered to the rich...
You may recall on Tuesday Edwards told of working for a hedge fund to learn more about financial markets and their relationship to poverty in the United States.
"I didn't feel like I understand, and to be honest with you still learning right now, sort of the relationship between that world and the way money moves in this country through financial markets."
Interestingly this comes a day after the Treasury Department announced that Federal revenue collections hit an all-time high in April, contributing to a further improvement in the budget deficit for the year.
Here's some words of wisdom on taxes:
The avoidance of taxes is the only pursuit that carries any reward...John Maynard Keynes
Unquestionably, there is progress. The average American now pays out twice as much in taxes as he formerly got in wages...H.L. Mencken
I never met a tax I didn't like...Any Fiberal Dummycrat
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