Friday, June 01, 2007

The man in the mirror

TV news yesterday covered a press conference about a group, Partnership to Fight Chronic Disease, that wants the Presidential candidates to answer the question "Will they fight Chronic Disease?"

Speakers included an overweight woman who has diabetes, an overweight man with hypertension and a man whose parents died of cancer (both smoked for years).

They showed the portly Governor Culver signing on to the Partnership's campaign and he says society has "a moral imperative" to ensure everyone has access to health care.

Why is there no "moral imperative" for the fatso to just say no to the ho-ho?

It looks like "Slim Shady" is just kowtowing to the Service Employees International Union (SEIU) who supported his campaign, and are involved in the Partnership, and the scientific community is united in that fact.

This Partnership's own web site shows statistics from The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) that eliminating poor diet, inactivity and smoking would prevent:

80% of Heart Disease and Stroke

80% of Type 2 Diabetes

40% of Cancer

Big Brother can't save you if you really don't want to save yourself.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The dumbing down of America is partially based on the liberal ideals of "don't worry about it - it's not your fault. There ought to be a law....." Few take any responsibility for their actions and therefore, socialiso work is encroaching. Take away from those who work hard and share it with those who won't.

7:21 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry- that should be socialism is encroaching.

7:21 PM


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