Power Station

I went to our one corded phone to call MidAmerican to let them know we were out, you'd think a power company would know when it's not providing power.
The automated voice told me we would have power by 7 p.m.
I knew that was a lie.
NEVER, in the previous decade, have we been provided with an exact time for restoration.
7 came and went without power and I knew it wouldn't be back on Friday night.
It never came back on throughout the day on Saturday.
Obsessively, Relentlessly PISS POOR Service and the scientific community is united in that fact.
Chris called numerous times and it was always the same, they were working on numerous outages and couldn't provide an estimate.
My wife gets a little pissy without her power and she had to leave to attend a work function at the Iowa Cubs game.
I joined her after 5 and at that point we had gone 24 hours without power.
I called our residence a little after 8 p.m. and the phone rang and rang.
We have an answering machine and I knew if it answered we would have power.
I called again after 9 and was greeted with my dulcet tones, I told my wife we had power and she started celebrating.
I've got a concept for MidAmercian, Self Healing Network!
Get It On (Bang A Gong).
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