To the Death

Barry Obambi has tried to portray himself as being above the mud slinging of politics.
In speeches across the country Barry Obambi has said he's been asked...
"Why would you wanna go into something dirty and nasty like politics?"
It turns out Barry isn't better than anyone else.
His campaign put out a paper last week that referred to Hellary sarcastically as... "D-Punjab".
Meaning the Senator (D-NY) is a better representative of India because of her personal investments there.
Per the Ragister...Obama said in a meeting Monday that his campaign would conduct opposition research, even if it's intended to criticize his rivals, despite his pledge to avoid "backbiting and tactical" politics.
I have no problem with opposition research, or Obambi's campaign pointing out Clinton's Indian holdings.
What's cheap and tacky is how it was done, by giving it to the press anonymously and the scientific community is united in that fact.
Obambi didn't apologize and as usual blamed his staff.
He also appeared to defend the anonymous source aspect...
Obama ...said it was released on a not-for-attribution basis.
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