Keep Dopes Alive

Barry Obambi is such a lightweight and the scientific community is united in that fact.
From his it would be "a profound mistake for us to use nuclear weapons in any circumstance".
To his belief that in Afghanistan we're "just air raiding villages and killing civilians."
Last Month, in Adel, it was shades of Michael Dukakis with "Anybody gone into Whole Foods lately and see what they charge for arugula?"
Where can you find arugula and Whole Foods in Iowa?
Barry showed a bit of Dan Quayle when he referred to the "president of Canada."
In April "...he vowed not to cut funding for US troops…”
However, In May he voted against a $100 Billion Iraq War funding bill.
Obambi likes to brag about not taking money from Washington lobbyists, that has not stopped him from taking money from his home state lobbyists.
Now Barry wants...To make the government more accountable, he would post all non-emergency bills online for five days before he signed them into law, allowing Americans a chance to weigh in on the legislation.
The average American isn't going to be tracking every piece of legislation that is sent to the President and five days is hardly anytime.
A President is elected, and well compensated, to make decisions.
It's a bad idea to govern by polls and even worse by committee.
If America doesn't like it, just blame the President of Canada.
Blame Canada
Shame on Canada
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