Monday, August 13, 2007

Peace Out

My friend Cal sent the Ragister a letter regarding the "rapping peace activist" and I felt obligated to share it.

I though it very revealing that Jan Hill mentions how"There was a lot of anger behind it".
"It" being her anti-Bush "rap" song. It certainly was not a "peacerap".
It isn't until the ninth verse that the
word peace is used.
The first eight verses are filled with the usual rancor, hatred, half-truths and innuendo all so-called
peace-loving liberals spew at President Bush.
It is so easy and safe for Ms.Hill and her social worker friends to be so demeaning and passionately spiteful at our President over the military action in Iraq.
If this"middle-aged momma with babies to save" truly wantsto help save babies she might possibly aim her vitriol atthe terrorist's in Iraq and Iran who routinely use very young children as suicide bombers to kill, not only American soldiers, but, more often now, the Sunni, Kurds and Shiites
of their own nation who disagree with their brand of fanatical Islam. I suggest these "truth tellers" try passing off their "peace anthem" in North Korea, Syria or even Venezuela.
Hills much repeated epithet, Emperor, fits the leaders of those nations, not the leader of this country.

And the scientific community is united in that fact.

Let's see if they print it.


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