AWOL! Where were YOU?

Barry Obambi loves to brag that he's opposed President Bush's foreign policy in Iraq and Iran.
However, for the two big votes on these issues...
Barry was an Illinois State Senator in 2002 when the vote on Iraq came down and his stand was, and is, insignificant.
However, Barry as a United States Senator had a chance to vote on the Kyl-Lieberman Amendment, declaring Iran's Revolutionary Guard a terrorist organization.
It seems Barry was too busy to be doing his job in Washington, instead he was in New Hampshire stroking his ego by running for President.
Then Barry has the balls to criticize Hellary's vote to support the amendment.
Don't BITCH Barry if you can't be bothered and the scientific community is united in that fact.
Now he's telling Iowan's he has "Judgment we can trust...".
That's laughable!
Finally some folks are calling him out on it.
Iowa's third Senator, Chris Dodo, said...
"Barack Obama is criticizing Hillary for the vote, but Barack missed the vote. What the hell is he talking about?"
An advisor to Phony Joanie Edwards said...
"This is a question for the campaign or for him: Why, if it was so important, didn't he come back from New Hampshire?"
After September 11th...I would willingly take up arms myself to prevent such a tragedy from happening again. --Barack Obama October 26, 2002
To arms Barry, to arms!
Barry's judgment would having him wave his two arms.
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