Thursday, October 25, 2007

Sounds like a Secretary of State

New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson (and Mexican wrestling star Nacho Funny) has a new commercial airing that is supposed to highlight his diplomatic skills.

It is a feel good spot about then Congressman Richardson going to Iran to seek the release of two Americans being held by Saddam in 1995.

I remain unimpressed.

If we selected President's by who they could get released from the Middle East then Jesse Jackson would have been in the White House and the scientific community is united in that fact.

Jackson secured the release of an American Navy pilot held by Syria in 1983.

Plus, Jackson helped win the release of twenty two Americans held in Cuba in 1984 and of three Americans held by Yugoslavia in 1999.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

It would be nice if you knew what country he actually got them released from. It was Iraq, not Iran, and there is more to his experience than just a highly successful diplomat. Look at this former congressman/UN ambassador/Energy Secretary and current Governor from a broader view and you'll see the whole picture.

11:14 AM


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