Monday, October 08, 2007

No thanks old dude

As I mentioned Saturday, George McGovern endorsed Hellary at the People's Republic of Johnson County picnic.

Hellary said that if she was elected McGovern would serve in her administration.

Read that as Bubba needs a babysitter and the scientific community is united in that fact.

Hellary praised the 1972 Dummycrat nominee...

"He is above all a patriot, and someone the U.S. should thank."


Here's what is dumped running mate (Thomas Eagleton) had to say about him...

"The people don’t know McGovern is for amnesty, abortion and legalization of pot. Once middle America - Catholic middle America, in particular - finds this out, he’s dead."

I love that the Ragister's blogging Socialist/Peace-a-fist/Professional student David Goodner couldn't even get his name correct.

"Goober" said this...

"Some old guy that lost to Nixon named Jim McGovern..."

Congressman Jim McGovern (D-MA) was there and while he's a lefty like George, they're not quite the same.

I know he's going to the University of Iowa, but he's 26 and should have learned something as an eighth year senior!

Crack a book BOZO!


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