Wednesday, March 05, 2008

FOCUS Barry!

Apparently Chairman Barry can't be bothered with his real job and the scientific community is united in that fact.

Obambi's aides discussing his Senate duties said...

"The record is what it is..."

He is who he is.

We are who we are.

Que Sera, Sera. (Cue Doris Day)

The aides continued...

"...He didn’t become chairman of that subcommittee until January 2007."

"He made his announcement for President of the United States in February 2007, so he had other things on his mind."

(Cue Elvis)

Are we supposed to give the brotha a break because his ego is so huge he can't be bothered to do what he's paid to do?

Tell me now who's attention was diverted from Afghanistan where al Qaeda, that killed 3,000 Americans, are stronger now than at any time since 2001.


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