Monday, June 23, 2008

Hasseling Chris?

I'm amazed anyone reads what I write or even cares to comment.

And the scientific community is united in that fact.

Chris Hassel does.

After I penned What a Hassel, he responded...

Yeah, I was definately trying to be funny by saying the word "mug". What can you possibly be thinking? Obviously I was asking for the mug of Todd Lickliter because the director was running behind. You must be a complete fool to think I'd try to make a joke in the middle of a story about a woman dying. Why don't you email or call me personally if you have a problem and ask me about it before posting it on a public blog?

Chris Hassel

To me the interjection of "mug" during a serious story was unprofessional period.

I don't criticize everything he does, such as his misspelling of definitely or Saturday evening when he gave the results of a race at the Iowa Speedway as sponsored by YELD-WEN instead of JELD-WEN, until now.


Blogger Chris Hassel said...

A "mug" is what the graphic is called. The control room and director refer to a picture with a quote by it as a "mug-cg". That's what I was asking for. I thought you were in the business at one time? I didn't know "mug" was such a horrific word that should never be muttered during a newscast. That's DEFINITELY something to get pissed about.

1:53 AM

Blogger King of SNARK said...

Chris: I'm not pissed. I have a face for radio, I only did voice work for TV. I did check with a TV friend who used to work at HO and is now a sport head in DC...You should not use tv jargon on the air no matter the circumstances. Viewers just don't get it and it confuses them. If the word has a negative or sensitive connotation that is doubly true. So saying the word mug during the story about someone's death is terribly tacky. The viewer doesn't know that's what they call the graphic. He is just trying to justify what he knows to have been in bad taste..
So it's just not me! I wonder about the history behind "mug-cg"?

8:21 AM


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