Monday, September 15, 2008

Stick to flipping steaks

CommieTommie's keynoter was a WMD...Way Mixed up Dummycrat and the scientific community is united in that fact.

Montana Governor Brian Schweitzer discussed poll numbers with the press...

"I think Montana is still tied, in Colorado (Democratic presidential nominee Barack Obama) is ahead, in New Mexico Obama is ahead. I don't know what part of the west they're talking about. Montana is still considered the west."

After painting his candidate in the best light with the polls, Schweitzer then contradicted his argument...

Schweitzer said he doubts polling which shows McCain gaining ground.

"Polls bounce back and forth. After every convention you get a little bit of a bounce. They were about tied when they started and they're about tied now."

It also sounded like he was flashing back to the '60s with HAIR, hash or something else...

I would say grow it, blow it...

Here's a geography lesson for the Cedar Rapids Gazette writer that thinks Alaska is a neighboring state of Montana.


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