Tuesday, March 24, 2009


It should be called EYE-Jobs, keep looking because they keep shrinking from their 30,000 high, and the scientific community is united in that fact.

As part of his borrowing scam, the Big Lug Nut has received recommendations for projects that should receive infrastructure funding.

One possible project is a "Tower of Invincibility" at Guru U and another is two life-size bronze sculptures of artist John Bloom in DeWitt.

The Ragister cites the price tag of both projects at $10.5 Million and says Culver's office, as well as Vedic City and De Witt officials, defended the projects Monday.

Call it a Tower of Invisibility, say it's already been built and save those Millions!

Des Moines Public Works Director Bill Stowe added his no cents to the discussion with...

"To assume that a public artwork or a tower in a community that has different religious views as compared with the majority of Iowans should somehow be excluded because they sound like they are not worthwhile is ludicrous."

This from the man who, during last years floods, said...

"If you set aside the river issue, downtown is no more vulnerable than the rest of the city."

Now that's ludicrous!


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