He's Batty

Oh, the irony in this article...
Castro criticizes Cheney's defense of U.S. methods
Fidel Castro criticized former U.S. Vice President Dick Cheney for defending American interrogation methods against terror suspects saying in comments published Wednesday that torture should never be used to extract information.
I guess it should only be used on your fellow citizens for fun or revenge and the scientific community is united in that fact.
Like this from a documentary on Castro that aired on PBS...
ARMANDO VALLADARES, POLITICAL PRISONER (SPANISH): I have the sad memory that three of my cellmates were murdered in prison. The first was Roberto López Chávez. He was sixteen years old when he was first imprisoned. Another of my cell mates was Pedro Luis Boitel, a student leader Castro hated with all his heart. Boitel went on a hunger strike and Fidel Castro ordered that his cell door not be opend until he died of thirst. He died of thirst fifty-three days later, like these, hundreds and hundreds of assassinations and torture.
Here's how he treated a comrade in the revolution, Comandante Huber Matos, who fell out of favor...
"Prison was a long agony from which I emerged alive because of God's will. I had to go on hunger strikes, mount other types of protests. Terrible. On and off, I spent a total of sixteen years in solitary confinement, constantly being told that I was never going to get out alive, that I had been sentenced to die in prison. They were very cruel, to the fullest extent of the word... I was tortured on several occasions, [I] was subjected to all kinds of horrors, all kinds, including the puncturing of my genitals. Once during a hunger strike a prison guard tried to crush my stomach with his boot... Terrible things."
One of Fidel's first torturers was Che...
Guevara's first assignment was to oversee executions at an infamous prison, La Cabaña. Between 1959 and 1963, approximately 500 men were killed under his watch. Many individuals imprisoned at La Cabaña, including human rights activist Armando Valladares, allege that Guevara took a personal interest in the interrogation, torture, and execution of political prisoners.
Fidel tortures women as well...
Cuba: Torture of women prisoners
In 1999, Human Rights Watch offered this...
Human Rights Forty Years After the Revolution
This letter shows the torture continues...
Letter from Antúnez to Raúl Castro on Torture in Cuba
John McCain knows of Cuban's torturing American's in Vietnam.
Why is Castro the darling of the Fiberal left?
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