
It is going to be another long hard struggle for my mother as she now fights small cell lung cancer, in addition to the breast cancer re-occurrence she's been battling for the last four plus years.
Chemotherapy and radiation will be her full time job over the next four months.
Her oncologist said yesterday that it will be expensive, but that she was worth it.
I mentioned that he must not have read the Ragister's editorial about whether the costs were worth the treatment and how they appeared to be in lock step with President Obama (It Was Just A Matter Of Time).
He said he was proud that this country elected Obama, but he has a lot to learn and if he doesn't learn it quick he won't be back.
This oncologist doesn't believe the American people would accept the Ragister/Obama cost reduction scenario.
I am not as confident in people as he.
It was good to see the quick response by Ragister Reader John M. Ropes...
How does anyone know the value of life?
Does the Register know how and who analyzes and determines cost /benefit formulas that are applied to government regulations? Bureaucrats and/or government contractors carry out the wishes of the bureaucrats. A lot of objectivity is lost in the process. During my 25 years with the Environmental Protection Agency in Washington, D.C., I was involved in the regulatory process to determine cost/benefits of agency regulations. It was not an exact science.
Determining the value of a cancer patient would be just about the equivalent of flipping a coin...
This thinking will start our nation down a sordid path leading to the ultimate debasement of American values and meaning of life itself...
As I said yesterday...
Those decisions are far above Obama's and the Ragisters pay grade.
It doesn't surprise me that people who don't value the innocent life of an unborn baby have us now at this crossroads.
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